
多様な学習背景を活用した教室活動を考える―日本語独習者の他者とのつながりに注目して― 池田 朋子


How to Take Advantage of Diverse Learning Backgrounds in Classroom Activities: Focusing on classroom interactions between self-taught Japanese learners and other students

Tomoko IKEDA

This paper discusses the management of Japanese language classes that include self-taught Japanese learners, as the numbers of such students in the classroom are expected to increase in the future. The paper is based on analysis of life-story interviews for two self-taught Japanese learners and a questionnaire survey given to other students in their Japanese class. The interview results showed that self-taught learners built intersubjective relationships with their classmates even as their levels differed, and also constructed self-awareness through Japanese language study. While previous research has shown that other students often feel a sense of unfairness when sharing the classroom with self-taught learners, since self-taught learners typically possess more knowledge about Japanese language, the questionnaire also revealed that these students appreciated being in class with higher level students when class activities include senior students as guest mentors. These results suggest that it is necessary for both teachers and learners to consider the classroom as a community in which interactions among multi-level students can deepen, and to embrace diversity and differences rather than strive to standardize students’ levels.


「文法を重視する」という日本語教育に対する教師の考えはどのように作り出されているのか―言語教育のローカル化の視点から―瀬尾 匡輝


How Teacher’s Belief on Grammar is Constructed: From the Perspective of Localization in Language Education

Masaki SEO

The localization of language education refers to replacement of methods and teaching materials that are influenced from the target language culture with ones that are more appropriate for local context. It has been widely recognized in the field of English language education. Through interviews and class observations on Nishiguchi-sensei (pseudonym) who teaches Japanese language in Hong Kong, this study investigates how she constructed her belief on grammar from the perspective of localization of language education. Nishiguchi-sensei was not focusing on grammar when she first started teaching in Hong Kong. However, as she interacted with her learners, coordinator, and colleagues, she started to construct an image of leaners in Hong Kong who like to study grammar. With that image, she started to focus on grammar explanation when she teaches. From the findings, this paper discusses the importance of power relationship within local in order to discuss localization of language education.


Print ISSN: 1481-5168 Online ISSN: 1929-3135

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