The Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education (CAJLE) organizes a variety of activities, including annual conference and workshops, as well as funding for regional workshop/meetings. These include sharing best practices and the latest academic research, among other things, and we facilitate activities that ensure credibility and fairness.
When applying for a presentation, submission, or community activity, please read the notes and other information in the guidelines for each activity. If you have any questions, please contact us.
CAJLE年次大会 Annual Conference
CAJLE holds an annual conference with research presentation sessions, professional development sessions with special guest speakers, special lecture sessions, poster display sessions, and a general meeting. The conference takes place over a few days each year during which participants exchange information and opinions on Japanese language education.
オンライン共有会 Online Gathering to Share
This gathering is for those who are involved in Japanese language education, such as Japanese language educators, parents of learners, school organizers, and others. The primary purpose is to build and expand a network among us in Canada beyond the differences of location, time, institution, and age group of learners we teach. We hope to provide opportunities to discuss broad topics on Japanese language education, from practice utilized in the classroom to issues related to learning Japanese as a heritage language at home. It is our goal to make Japanese language education more active and lively in Canada by this gather-and-share event.
日本語弁論大会 Japanese Speech Contest
The National Japanese Speech Contest (Canada) was established in 1989 under the auspices of the Japanese Embassy in Ottawa in order to promote the Japanese language education in Canada. NJSC has been sponsored by the Japan Foundation and held at a different location across Canada annually. Consulates General of Japan, universities and corporations have provided various support and assistance in making this event a very successful and important event to the Japanese community. The NJSC is now co-hosted by the National Japanese Speech Contest Organizing Committee and CAJLE.
地域活動 Regional Activities
CAJLEでは、2009年より、トロント地域において「日本語学習を継続する」と称するシリーズのワークショップや講演会などをThe Japan Foundation Torontoと協力して行っています。
また、オンタリオ部会・アトランティック部会に代わり、2014年より特に地域を限定せずにカナダ全土における活発な活動を目指す「CAJLE 地域研修会支援金」を設けています。これは会員による地域の日本語教育活性化につながる活動を支援するための助成金です。地域のニーズに応じた教師研修や、教師間のネットワーク作り促進のための事業を会員自ら企画し実施することを支援します。企画の実施まで、近隣のCAJLE理事が連絡役・相談役を務めます。オンラインで集まる研修会・ネットワーキング企画も支援可能です。(2020年4月〜)
Cooperating with the Japan Foundation Toronto, CAJLE has been offering workshops and seminars titled “Continuing Learning Japanese” in Toronto since 2009.
CAJLE has replaced the Atlantic and Ontario Chapters to create the “CAJLE Regional Workshop/Meeting Support Fund”. This is to allow broad-ranged activities that will cover all of Canada and not be limited to specific regions. This fund was created to assist in the regional growth of the Japanese language community through its members. It will enable members to plan and create their own instructor training, as well as instructor networks to better suit regional needs. Nearby CAJLE directors will serve liaisons and consultants. We can also support online workshops/networking meetings. (April 2020-)
GN関連 GN-related Projects
The Global Network for Japanese Language Education (GN) consists of academic organizations from 12 countries and regions around the world and aims to promote the exchange and dissemination of research and education in Japanese language education. GN projects involving two or more of its member organizations have been approved and implemented by the Global Network for Japanese Language Education. CAJLE participated in the Japanese Global Articulation Project (J-GAP)until 2015, and planned and implemented the “Promoting Translanguaging in Japanese Society” project from 2016 to 2022.
継承語関連 Japanese as a Heritage Language Projects
CAJLEは、カナダでの継承語教育の重要性を認識し、その推進と支援に取り組み、多様な言語と文化の共存を促進するために努めています。現在、教師や保護者を支援するための「継承語オンラインネットワーク」と、学習者をサポートするための「CLD(Culturally and Linguistically Diverse youth)イベント」という二つの支援活動を共同で実施しています。