私たちの組織 CAJLE – Our organization
現在の会員数は約150名で、あらゆるレベルで日本語教育に携わる教師、また日本語教育に関心のある有志などから成り、その範囲はカナダ各地域をはじめ、アメリカ、日本、その他に及んでいます。 2008年8月には、創立二十周年を記念する年次大会が、発足地のトロントで開催されました。
さらに同年8月に、CAJLEは世界9つの国・地域の代表団体からなる「日本語教育グローバルネットワーク」より正式にカナダを代表する団体として認定され、ネットワークの一員として世界の他地域の皆さまとも提携することとなりました。 当会は、会員の中から選出された理事/役員によって運営される非営利目的の団体です。
Established in Toronto in March 1988, the Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education (CAJLE) actively promotes Japanese language education in Canada. We operate a variety of activities including annual conference, lectures, workshops, support for regional workshop/meetings, and publication of academic journals. These include sharing best practices and the latest academic research, among other things, and we facilitate activities that ensure credibility and fairness.
We currently have approximately 200 members who are involved in the education of Japanese at all levels or are deeply interested in Japanese language education. Members come not just from Canada but also from the US, Japan and around the world. In Addition, CAJLE was officially approved to become a member of the “Global Network for Japanese Language Education” as the representing organization in Canada.
CAJLE now has a strong tie with other organizations in the world and is a non-profit organization run by executive board members selected by the association members.
CAJLE leaflet is available here.
CAJLEの役割 Mission Statement
- 日本語教師の研修、新教師の養成
- 日本語教育に関する研究活動の興隆
- 関連団体との交流推進
- 日本語教師間の情報交換
The purpose of the Corporation is to promote the study of the Japanese language in Canada and includes the following goals:
- To impart specialized knowledge, skills and experience that are useful for the instruction of the Japanese language to its members and to teachers of the Japanese Language;
- To sponsor lectures, seminars and workshops for the benefit of its members, who are teachers of the Japanese language;
- To work and exchange information with various educational and ethnic cultural organizations that promote the spread of heritage languages and second languages; and
- To encourage research and ethnocultural activities that promote Japanese language education within the context of the principles of multiculturalism in Canada.
2024年度理事および役員 (2024-25)
- 青木裕美 (ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学)
- 石川比奈子(カルガリー大学)
- 伊東義員 (トロント日本商工会)
- 犬塚久美子(ヨーク大学)
- 金梨花 (ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学)
- 木村美香 (ビクトリア大学)
- 張硯君 (ヒューロン大学)
- 畠山衛 (ビクトリア大学)
- 黄鶯(アルバータ大学)
- ベイリー氏江智子(JALTA)
- 矢吹ソウ典子(ヨーク大学)
- 善積祐希子(トロント大学)
- 会長:木村美香
- 副会長:善積祐希子,金梨花
- 書記:張硯君, 犬塚久美子
- 会計:畠山衛,伊東義員,善積祐希子
2024 年度運営部署一覧 (2024-25)
- 広報・ニュースレター:青木裕美、石川比奈子、ベイリー氏江智子*
- ウェブサイト:石川比奈子、畠山衛*
- ジャーナル:犬塚久美子*、矢吹ソウ典子
- ジャーナル編集委員:安部さやか、加山裕子、下條光明、脊尾泰子
- 共催事業(全カナダ日本語弁論大会・継承語オンランネットワーク、地域研修、その他):伊東義員、金梨花*、張硯君、黄鶯、善積祐希子*
- GN・その他渉外関連:金梨花、木村美香,善積祐希子
- 2025年年次大会実行委員会:青木裕美、伊東義員、金梨花*、畠山衛、ベイリー氏江智子、善積祐希子
Our Executive Board Members (2024-25)
- Hiromi Aoki (University of British Columbia)
- Hinako Ishikawa (University of Calgary)
- Yoshikazu Ito (Toronto Japanese Association of Commerce & Industry)
- Kumiko Inutsuka (York University)
- Ihhwa Kim (University of British Columbia)
- Mika Kimura (University of Victoria)
- Yanjun Zhang (Huron University College)
- Mamoru Hatakeyama (University of Victoria)
- Ying Huang (University of Alberta)
- Tomoko Ujie Bailey (JALTA)
- Noriko Yabuki-Soh (York University)
- Yukiko Yoshizumi (University of Toronto)
(The Japanese syllabary order)
- President :Mika Kimura
- Vice President :Yukiko Yoshizumi, Ihhwa Kim
- Secretary :Yanjun Zhang, Kumiko Inutsuka
- Treasurer :Mamoru Hatakeyama, Yoshikazu Ito, Yukiko Yoshizumi
List of operating sections (2024-25)
- Public Relations: Hiromi Aoki, Hinako Ishikawa, Tomoko Ujie Bailey*
- Website: Hinako Ishikawa, Mamoru Hatakeyama*
- Journal: Kumiko Inutsuka*, Noriko Yabuki-Soh
- Journal Editor: Sayaka Abe, Yuhko Kayama, Mitsuaki Shimojo, Yasuko Senoo
- Co-sponsored Project (National Japanese Speech Contest, Online Network for Heritage Language Education, Regional Training, and Others): Yoshikazu Ito, Ihhwa Kim*, Yanjun Zhang, Ying Huang, Yukiko Yoshizumi*
- GN and Other External Relations Related: Ihhwa Kim, Mika Kimura, Yukiko Yoshizumi
- Organizing Committee for the CAJLE 2025: Hiromi Aoki, Yoshikazu Ito, Ihhwa Kim*, Mamoru Hatakeyama*, Tomoko Ujie Bailey, Yukiko Yoshizumi
(The Japanese syllabary order/*Chief of each section )
翻訳Translation / La traduction
- Université de Montréal: Maude Nantel