J-Gap 日本語教育グローバル・アーティキュレーション・プロジェクト



言語教育におけるアーティキュレーションとは、プログラム間の連続性・連携、プログラム内のコース間の連続性・一貫性を指します。アーティキュレーションが確立していれば、例えば、高校で 日本語を勉強してきた学習者が大学で勉強を続ける場合に、これまでに学んだことを無駄にせず、次のレベルに進むことができます。このように継続学習が効率的に行われる場合は、最終的に学習を終えるまでに、より高い運用能力を身に着けることができます。しかし、実際には、学習機関が変わるたびに、様々な理由で初級のコースに振り分けられ、なかなか上のレベルに到達できないケースも多いかと思います。



*This project has ended as of March 2015.

The word articulation is used within language education to indicate coherent linkages among programs or courses in terms of course content at a given level of study. If articulation is accomplished across language programs/courses at different levels, for instance, individuals who have studied Japanese at high school are able to proceed to the next course level upon entering university. Thus learners are able to attain a higher level of proficiency by the time they complete their education. In reality, however, we have frequently witnessed cases where learners repeat introductory-level courses when they move from one program/course to another due to various factors.

The Japanese Global Articulation Project (J-GAP) is being conducted by the Japanese Language Education Global Network, which is affiliated with Nihongo Kyoiku Gakkai (Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language). J-GAP aims to achieve articulation in Japanese language education worldwide.

In Canada, J-GAP is run by CAJLE, and is currently focusing on the greater Toronto area and nearby cities in Ontario. J-GAP Canada has set 3 objectives: networking, information sharing, and identifying the gaps among programs/courses, all in order to achieve articulation and to support learners who wish to continue learning Japanese.

Please visit J-GAP@Wikispaces for more information on J-GAP activities in Canada and other countries.


Articulation アーティキュレーション

CEFR/JF Standard for Japanese Language Education CEFR/JF日本語教育スタンダード

CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment)

JF 日本語教育スタンダード

JF日本語教育スタンダード (jfstandard.jp)