2021年のCAJLE年次大会で基調講演と教師研修をしてくださった 横溝紳一郎先生(西南学院大学)にご寄稿いただきました。

[寄稿論文] 持続可能な教師の成長 横溝紳一郎

教師の育成方法として、「教師トレーニング(teacher training)」の後に出てきた「教師の成長(teacher development)」パラダイムでは、自らの専門的力量の向上に向けて、ずっと学び続けていくことが教師に求められています。しかしながら、教師の成長のし方は多様ですので、エネルギー全開で自己の成長にチャレンジし続けることが困難になる場合も出てきます。本稿は、成長することにちょっと疲れた時にできることを提案します。

Sustainable Teacher Development

Shinichiro YOKOMIZO

In Teacher Development which appeared after Teacher Training as the paradigm of teacher education, teachers are required to continue his/her professional development until the time of retirement.  However, the route for development differs depending upon the teacher, and therefore, there exist cases in which they cannot continuously challenge their own development.  This particular paper attempts to introduce strategies which enable small teacher development in times of weakness.



日本語使用者の語りに基づく多様な日本語に対する理解促進 ―「セカイの日本語〜みんなの声〜」プロジェクトから 米本和弘・川口真代・津田麻美・林寿子・柴田智子


Promoting an Understanding of the Diversity within the Japanese Language through Japanese Language Users’ Voices: from the “World Japaneses: Voices from Around the Globe” Project


In recent years, increased interest in the diversity of the Japanese language and its users has necessitated evolving discourses in Japanese society and Japanese language education. However, allowing this discussion to be focused exclusively on a linguistic aspect of the Japanese language runs the risk of overemphasizing the representation of groups rather than individuals, thus obscuring the relationship between languages and other causal factors in social inequality. Accordingly, this study explores ways to promote an understanding of how the Japanese language exists on multiple spectrums from the positions of individual language users including us as authors. We have analyzed the narratives of eight Japanese language users in our project, titled “World Japaneses: Voices from Around the Globe.” These narratives suggest strong influences of the unitary view that assumes “Japan = Japanese people = Japanese language.” At the same time, they also reveal those users’ individually unique struggles and relationships with the Japanese language that are not necessarily constrained by this assumption. Therefore, this paper addresses the need for critical rethinking in which individual language users become aware of how they usually perceive languages of their own and others and apply this perception in their everyday communication. This practice is vital to the promotion of a better understanding of the diversity within the Japanese language.


学習者の多様な学びを支える日本語教育:夜間中学で学ぶ外国人生徒の事例から 高橋朋子


Language Education at a Public Night School in Japan


This study elucidates the significance of public night schools for Japanese language learners in Japan. The study surveyed a public night school in Osaka with approximately 100 students, of which more than 90% were nonnative learners, to determine why they go to public night schools instead of Japanese language schools after working throughout the day. Data from the fieldwork at the school present three factors. First, the school plays a role in being a place of social recognition for learners. Second, learning Japanese at school is linked to social participation. Finally, the school provides students with more opportunities for social interaction, which indicates that dynamism stems from their relationships with diverse classmates and teachers. Therefore, these results imply that education in public night schools enables students to learn to survive and join mainstream society.


Print ISSN: 1481-5168 Online ISSN: 1929-3135