ICJLE リモート参加補助について(会員のみ)ICJLE Remote Participation Assistance (Members Only)

このリモート参加の登録費補助は、カナダ所在の高円宮日本教育・研究センター様、Blue Tree Books様からのご支援、そして個人様からいただきましたご寄付により可能となりました。ご支援、ご寄付いただきました皆様には感謝申し上げます。

リモート登録補助金額: 1名につきCA$90 (先着40名)


The monetary support for the remote registration is made possible through the support of Prince Takamado Japan Centre for Teaching and Research and Blue Tree Books in Canada, as well as through individual donations. We would like to thank all of our donors for their support and contributions.

Remote registration assistance amount: CA$90 / per person (First 40 people)

This assistance will allow you to register for remote participation for approximately CAD$20. We encourage you to apply for the assistance. Also, please register as soon as possible, as only the first 40 applicants will be accepted.

リモート参加費補助を受ける条件 The following are the conditions for receiving this assistance for remote registration.

  • カナダ在住のCAJLE会員であること
  • CAJLE企画の大会後オンラインイベントに参加すること
  • 大会後オンラインイベント終了時のアンケートへ参加すること


  • Be a CAJLE member residing in Canada
  • Participate in remote post-convention events organized by CAJLE
  • Participate in the post-convention survey at the end of the event

Although it is not a requirement, we will ask a few of you to contribute to the CAJLE newsletter after the convention.

リモート参加補助の申し込み How to apply for Remote Participation financial support



6月15日 まで


Complete the application form in the members-only area of the CAJLE website and submit it during the registration period.

Registration period: May 15 (Wen: 12:00 pm Central Time) – May 31 (Fri: 12:00 pm Central Time) Please register before June 15.

The first 40 registrants will be contacted and must register remote access via the ICJLE website.


Please use the inquiry form for any questions regarding remote participation, remote events, remote registration support etc.