2023CAJLE 年次大会


“Japanese language education into the future: Unlearning teaching practices in the increasingly diverse society”

会場:ケベック州モントリオール BEST WESTERN Ville-Marie Hotel & Suites
基調講演・教師研修:ドーア根理子先生(ラマポ大学)による基調講演「『日本語』再考:言語の『ユニット思考(unit thinking)』を超えて」及び教師研修I「『日本語』『間違い』『通じる』って何?:標準語を超えた多様な言語教育を目指して」、櫻井陽子先生(ハンター大学)による教師研修II及びフィリッパ・パークス先生 (シャーブルック大学), CASLT講師による教師研修IIIを予定しております。


2023 CAJLE Annual Conference will be held in Montreal for the first time in four years.
“Japanese language education into the future: Unlearning teaching practices in the increasingly diverse society”

Date: Thursday, August 17-Friday, August 18, 2023
Venue: Montreal, Quebec BEST WESTERN Ville-Marie Hotel & Suites
Key Note Lecture: Professor Neriko Musha Doerr (Ramapo College) “Rethinking the “Japanese Language”: Beyond “Unit Thinking” in Language;” Teacher Workshops by Professor Neirkok Musha Doerr, Professor Yoko Sakurai (Hunter College, The City University of New York), and Professor Philippa Parks (University of Sherbrooke) as a facilitator from CASLT.

Call for proposal will be out by mid February.

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